
More than one --from-folder in config.yaml

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi Ryan,

first of all thanks for that nice program. It's really a blast and helps me migrating from my IMAP mailbox hosted on our own server to Google.

Actually, I have a lot of old emails in old folders and a lot of subfolders. I recognized, that some folders have not been transferred to labels in gmail and the emails are not there - even though larch said so in it's output. So I decided to migrate each folder.

Well, it would be really cool, if I could define more than one sourcefolder in the config.yaml file. E.g:

verbosity: debug

  from: imap://mail.milkno.com
  from-folder: INBOX.Projekte.ruby
  from-folder: INBOX.Projekte.perl
  from-folder: INBOX.Projekte.php
  from-folder: INBOX.Projekte.java
  from-folder: INBOX.Projekte.lisp
  from-folder: INBOX.Projekte.sql 
  from-user: 'mail05'
  from-pass: 'blabla'

  to: imaps://imap.googlemail.com
  to-folder: Projekte
  to-user: 'myaccount@googlemail.com'
  to-pass: 'fallera'

That would be helpful. Or did I miss something in the docu?



I think the from-folder to-folder thing is about mapping one to another. A full control of all mappings would be very nice. At least I would propose some "include"-key, used like the "exclude"-key. At the moment I have to exclude all folders except the ones I want to copy over :)