
Serverless, LocalStack, and GitHub Action Example

Primary LanguagePython


Serverless LocalStack CI with GitHub Actions

1) Pre-requisites for Act

(WARNING! Commands in prereqs.sh remove Docker images) See prereqs.sh to manage the below steps in one script

Create custom Ubuntu Docker image needed by Act and a local registry to push it to

docker-compose up -d

Push new ubuntu-builder image to local registry for use by Act

docker tag sls-localstack-example_act-ubuntu localhost:5000/ubuntu-builder

docker push localhost:5000/ubuntu-builder

docker rmi localhost:5000/ubuntu-builder

2) Running Act

(Once above Pre-requisites are performed, start here for repeatable GitHub Actions testing)

Deploys LocalStack, sets up environment, installs Python, runs pytest, and deploys application via Serverless Framework

act --container-architecture linux/amd64 -P ubuntu-latest=localhost:5000/ubuntu-builder -P localstack/localstack:latest


(Need to integrate this into integration test within GitHub Actions)

AWS CLI verification

Verify identity

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 sts get-caller-identity 

List S3 resources

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 s3 ls 

Invoke function

sls invoke -f greeting --stage dev 


Remove stack (this may fail with an unknown error leaving the LocalStack container in a weird state)

sls remove --stage local