
Native script bottom bar remove shift mode animation

Jay268 opened this issue · 4 comments


I am using bottom bar in native script. I am able to setup it and working as intended.

But what my requirement is i need to remove shift mode animation while moving from one tab to another.
I have tried to customize style but not exactly giving what i need.

Your suggestions are appreciated. And also let me know if any further information you need.

rhanb commented

If you want to remove the shift animation, you should change the titleState property and use the value ALWAYS_HIDE or ALWAYS_SHOW.

rhanb commented

Unfortunately you cant remove the shift animation with your titleState property set to SHOW_WHEN_ACTIVE


Thanks for your reply.

I tried by setting ALWAYS_HIDE it looks like animation effect is removed with that as intended. But it's showing kind of bubble / ripple effect while moving on another tab.

Any suggestion on that note ? how to manage that ?

rhanb commented

You can't change that, because it's by default in the native library which follow the Bottom Navigation google specs 😄