
How to add new language to Piper Recoding Studio?

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I want to make TTS for language that is not listed in Piper Recording Studio. How can new language be added?

Is it enough to create language directory in prompts/ and create files in same manner as for other languages?

Are there some requirements for phrasses in prompt files or that can be anything? Can I use phrases from existing language files and translate them to new language?

Yes! Just make sure to follow the same format. I'd suggest also adding some numbers and short phrases that are common in the language (yes/no/thank you/etc).

Which language are you planning to add?

Are there any rules of file contents, explanation on file naming sceheme and structure of files?

I see numbers showing up but it is not just ordered numbers, I see prefies in numbers (even different prefixes within same file).

Generealy, while browsing langage folders i see there are some difference in naming and numbering.

What count of phrases is expected. Is ther eminimum requirement, Is there maximum limitation? Are thеre limitations per file?

Can I name files using serbian languages? Serbian language is bit complicated so one word can have number of variations depending of usage and I would like to use grammar terminology to organize variations in different files. I do not know English terminology so it is easier to use Serbian.

I am going to try to add Serbian. I already prepared numbers file as that was easy to do. Can i add any number phrase or tehre are somе requirements? Can I add ordering numbers phrases like "first", "second", "third"...

How should I deal with phrases that are mant to be pronounced in normal voice, or sad voice, or as question, or angry voice or so?

If I talk someone into join me, how should we organise files so each works on his own set of phrases?

Sorry for so many questions but I could not find a single clue how to prepare new language.

I have created repository to initiate creation of prompt files for Serbian language at https://github.com/pedjas/piper-recording-studio-prompts-serbian.

I've done this to avoid making mess in Piper Recording Studio until I am sure files are created proprly.

I already uploaded some files into repository and would apprecieate if files are checked for matching requirements to inclusion in Piper Recording Studio.

I am still not sure if I prepared files properly.

This looks good to me, thanks! You just need to change the directory name to have a dash (-) instead of an underscore before SR: Serbian (Serbia)_rs-SR

That is great news! Thanks!