
respeaker doesn't work with kernel 6.6 on the pi4 (might just need to point to newer drivers)

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so a work around is to make sure your on a old kernel 6.1 and firmware
sudo rpi-update 5fc4f643d2e9c5aa972828705a902d184527ae3f

There is actually no need to downgrade kernel and firmware, there is a driver branch for 6.6 kernel now:
I've tested it under bookworm and it works OK so far.

Just change from 6.1 to 6.6 here and here when installing under bookworm

curl -L -o - 'https://github.com/HinTak/seeed-voicecard/archive/refs/heads/v6.1.tar.gz' | \

cd seeed-voicecard-6.1/

HinTak has created branches for the different kernel versions, but the default is still v6.1.

If you are using RasPi OS bookworm (with v6.6 kernel) you can add the "--branch" option to the git clone command,,, thus:

git clone --branch v6.6 https://github.com/HinTak/seeed-voicecard.git

Note: that I haven't completed setting up this Voice Assist satellite yet, so there may be other issues.

HinTak has created branches for the different kernel versions, but the default is still v6.1.

If you are using RasPi OS bookworm (with v6.6 kernel) you can add the "--branch" option to the git clone command,,, thus:

git clone --branch v6.6 https://github.com/HinTak/seeed-voicecard.git

Note: that I haven't completed setting up this Voice Assist satellite yet, so there may be other issues.

Auto-selection of the correct kernel branch has been implemented some time ago