
shim-15.8 for CentOS Stream 8

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Confirm the following are included in your repo, checking each box:

  • completed README.md file with the necessary information
  • shim.efi to be signed
  • public portion of your certificate(s) embedded in shim (the file passed to VENDOR_CERT_FILE)
  • binaries, for which hashes are added to vendor_db ( if you use vendor_db and have hashes allow-listed )
  • any extra patches to shim via your own git tree or as files
  • any extra patches to grub via your own git tree or as files
  • build logs
  • a Dockerfile to reproduce the build of the provided shim EFI binaries

What is the link to your tag in a repo cloned from rhboot/shim-review?


What is the SHA256 hash of your final SHIM binary?


What is the link to your previous shim review request (if any, otherwise N/A)?


Grub2 SBAT entries are wrong:

[root@rhel8 ~]# objcopy --only-section .sbat -O binary /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grubx64.efi /dev/stdout
sbat,1,SBAT Version,sbat,1,https://github.com/rhboot/shim/blob/main/SBAT.md
grub,3,Free Software Foundation,grub,2.02,https//www.gnu.org/software/grub/
grub.rh,2,Red Hat,grub2,2.02-150.el8,mailto:secalert@redhat.com

The readme.md seems not up to date with the template. the section with ephemeral keys is missing at least.

@bstinsonmhk Could you please update your submission to match the most recent template please?

No responses to questions in several months, closing

@steve-mcintyre -> They EOLed about 10 days ago :) https://www.centos.org/cl-vs-cs/ so 👍🏻