
Promote [update?] from local to remote repository

mnuttall opened this issue · 0 comments

This issue will affect #6, which may not be able to complete without it.

This issue relates to cases in which the config yaml for a given microservice lives with the source code. A (Tekton) pipeline that builds this source repo will,

  • docker build
  • docker tag
  • docker push
  • "promote config/* to the configured 'dev' gitops repo"

This latter step involves raising a pull request that takes config/* from the checked out version of the source repository and 'promotes' it to /services/service-name/base/config/* in the target gitops repository - frequently referred to as 'dev'.

In the first case we can assume that service-name is the name of the source repository.

Currently, promote --from /path/to/local/repo --to ur.to.target.repo --service svc-name will look for /services/svc-name/base/config/* in the source repository, since that is the behaviour for when promoting between repositories.

We need the CLI to differentiate between promoting between gitops repositories, and from a source repo into a gitops repo. This was discussed at length in Slack today. We may also later need to differentiate between uploading service config, and that of an application.

For a first pass under this issue, we need to decide between:

  • Add new CLI arguments, or a new command, for this situation, or
  • When --from is a local path, assume that we're in this mode, and so copy /path/to/local/repo/config/* to url.to.target.repo/services/svc-name/base/config/*.