
Pronounciation errors in russian language

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The problem is that the application doesn't work properly. Like, if there was a word экран, with an accent on a, А, this will say it like: Экран, with an accent to the first letter: this is not correct. The same has been found in these words (увЕдомления уведомления, выключИн, выключен, маркЕт маркет, прослушАть прослушать, авгУста августа, прИмер пример) Do I have to include the NVDA dictionary file for russian and build it again or is there a better way for fixing this pronounciation problem? In the espeak version for NVDA and PC it works correctly.

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If this is issues with the stress placement, you need to run configure with the --with-extdict-ru flag to enable the extended Russian dictionary file.