
BUG: `rhino-setup` is not reliably installed by calamares

oklopfer opened this issue · 4 comments

every 10th user or so reports rhino-setup not being launched in post-installation, which is due to calamares not installing it correctly. This should be fixed hopefully for 2023.4. The current method is already quite hacky-cheatsy, so we can find a different hacky-cheatsy way to do it. Before, it was auto-installed by default, and then was to put an autostart file in the user's config for it. but maybe I can instead have it auto-installed by default, have it place an /etc/skel file, and then make sure the rhino-live user does not receive the file. this is probably what I should do.

Have we determined the reason why it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't?

Calamares was set to install it, but sometimes failed on the step and just kept going. I’ve just turned it back to pre installed.

confirmed it is now pre-installed on live images but doesn't autostart for rhino-live user; can now close