
Some configs appear twice in the results

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Some configs like
set laststatus=2
set incsearch
appear twice in the results

rht commented

Ok fixed. I forgot to trim the whitespaces after stripping the comments. Lots of dedups due to this fix, e.g.

0. ```syntax on``` 69.79%
1. ```set number``` 58.58%
2. ```set nocompatible``` 57.35%
3. ```filetype plugin indent on``` 52.06%
4. ```set expandtab``` 51.86%
5. ```set laststatus=2``` 47.60%
6. ```set hlsearch``` 46.29%
7. ```set incsearch``` 39.17%
8. ```set ignorecase``` 38.12%
9. ```let mapleader=","``` 38.01%


0. ```set nocompatible``` 83.33%
1. ```syntax on``` 79.78%
2. ```set number``` 74.55%
3. ```set expandtab``` 71.10%
4. ```set incsearch``` 68.44%
5. ```set hlsearch``` 67.92%
6. ```set laststatus=2``` 67.76%
7. ```filetype plugin indent on``` 67.59%
8. ```set ruler``` 60.38%
9. ```set ignorecase``` 59.67%

(from the jump, it appears that set nocompatible is among the most commented config)