
option pathTo incorrect data

alhavizd opened this issue · 3 comments

option pathTo incorrect data. when last item drag to top/first, then drag to child of first item data pathTo [1], should be [0, 0]. if that data, drag again to parent, but not first. after that drag again, pathTo correct
Untitled Project

I tried to create a simple test case to reproduce this bug, but I'm unable to do so.
What am I missing? I create this Sandbox, so you can see for yourself: https://codesandbox.io/s/silly-cookies-35eo7

Hi, I tried your simple codesandbox. but still the same. I still have the same problem

Ah now I was able to reproduce it and I found the bug. I just tagged v2.5.3 to address this issue.

Thanks for reporting this issue.