
About dialog is initially blank on macOS

jeffabruce opened this issue · 2 comments

At first I thought it wasn't working at all since I just got a popup dialog that was blank. But after resizing the dialog (which I don't actually want it to be able to do), the act of resizing made all of the popup content appear! And the content was correct for the options I used. So, I don't know if this is something in newer Electron which is causing the popup not to do its initial render/paint. At no point have I ever seen the content show up on its own. Every time I run my app, I have to resize the popup to make the content show up. Obviously this bug makes the module unusable for me. Here is the very basic code I used:

click:function() { openAboutWindow( { icon_path:path.join( __dirname, "myicon.png" ), product_name:"My Product" } ); }

I am handling the click of a menu item with this code. If I were doing something wrong, Iwouldn't think it would show up looking correct after simply resizing the popup.

I am using macOS 10.13.6. I did not try on Windows or Linux.

I'm getting a blank dialog as well, though a little different to the original bug.

in development I'ts working fine. however when i build a Mas build it is showing blank. Can confirm its not the icon_path as it happens when referencing locally and using a url.