
git brws --help doesn't work

wtsnjp opened this issue · 5 comments

The short option -h does work fine and print the help text:

$ git brws -h
Usage: git brws [Options] {Args}


    -h, --help          Print this help
    -v, --version       Show version

According to the above help, the long version of the option (--help) is also valid and will show the same help text. However, this doesn't seem working in such a way.

$ git brws --help
No manual entry for git-brws

Followings are some environmental information:

$ sw_vers
ProductName:	Mac OS X
ProductVersion:	10.13.6
BuildVersion:	17G4015

$ git --version
git version 2.20.1
hub version 2.7.0

$ git brws --version
rhysd commented

Actually this behavior is intended, but I agree that it is not so expected.

When running

git subcmd --help

the --help is not handled by git-subcmd, but by git itself. git searches a man manual for git-subcmd. git-subcmd cannot override this behavior.

git-brws --help

would work fine.

The perfect (and only I guess) fix is providing a man manual (git-brws.1) but I'm not familiar with the format and I don't want to bother users by requiring to install the man manual.

the --help is not handled by git-subcmd, but by git itself.

In this case I can see that it is difficult to solve this issue inside git-brws.

The perfect (and only I guess) fix is providing a man manual (git-brws.1) but I'm not familiar with the format and I don't want to bother users by requiring to install the man manual.

I can understand your concern and I also think creating a man entry for this project is somehow overkilling. (By the way, JFYR, it is not necessary to know about the format (roff) to write a man page because there are useful converters, e.g., ronn.)

Anyway, I personally don't have any trouble with this issue since I know git brws -h is workable. If this behavior is intentional as you said, I have nothing to add... I wish I had a better idea to solve 😢

rhysd commented

I can understand your concern and I also think creating a man entry for this project is somehow overkilling. (By the way, JFYR, it is not necessary to know about the format (roff) to write a man page because there are useful converters, e.g., ronn.)

I did not know ronn. Thank you for letting me know. I think I should try.

Anyway, I personally don't have any trouble with this issue since I know git brws -h is workable. If this behavior is intentional as you said, I have nothing to add... I wish I had a better idea to solve 😢

Yeah... what we can do which I was able to come up with is removing --help from flags.

rhysd commented

I added git-brws.1 at dc957bf and added note in 'Installation' section in README. Thank you for reporting this.

rhysd commented

Note: I setup Homebrew formula which put git-brws.1 properly. When installing git-brws via Homebrew, git brws --help should work.
