
build from vim/vim

lunu-bounir opened this issue · 8 comments


Is there any instruction how to rebase from vim/vim to fetch the latest changes?

Here is what I did;

  1. Use travis-ci.org with trzeci/emscripten:sdk-incoming-64bit image to build the whole thing
  2. clone directly from the original vim/vim
  3. apply patches; https://github.com/lunu-bounir/vim.wasm/blob/master/patches.sh

Everything looks okay; https://github.com/lunu-bounir/vim.wasm/releases/

Except I am getting the following error

Assertion failed: The call to gui_wasm_send_key is running asynchronously. If this was intended, add the async option to the ccall/cwrap call.```
rhysd commented

I guess you wrongly built this app or your emscripten is too old. I can't say anymore from reading your comments.

Thanks for the prompt reply. I think am using the latest official docker file; trzeci/emscripten:sdk-incoming-64bit

Could it be possible that I have missed to patch a file? Here is the complete list

I can't say anymore from reading your comments.

How about the actual log: https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/403079577/log.txt

rhysd commented

Why don't you simply fork this repo? I'm sorry that I don't have time to look into your setup.

The idea was to prepare a setup that could generate different outputs from the latest vim/vim repo (like with different color schemes or even different features). Manually generating all these combinations is not doable.

Why don't you simply fork this repo?

With latest emscripten installed only RELEASE=true ./build.sh works for me.

rhysd commented

I understood what you want to do. But changing colorscheme can be done by modifiying wasm/usr directory. So it still doesn't need to separate patches and other vim/vim commits, I feel. I'm installing emscripten and binaryen directly to my environment on macOS and haven't seen the error. I'm sorry that I can't help.