
Not seeing any icons

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I've literally followed the instructions and copied the FontAwesomeIconPicker folder into App_Pluggins, created a datatype, assigned it to a property and used it on my documenttype.

I can see the dropdown with the font names but no icons.
I'm using Umbraco 7.2.1.

There's no search functionality either.

Thanks for the report. Which version are you using? I just fixed a bug 8 days ago in which icons were not displaying: 111aec6

FYI, the icons appear for me and the search works for me:


Perhaps try the latest version, making sure to delete your App_Data/TEMP folders, clearing your browser cache, and recycling your app pool.

I was using the version that I downloaded here today.

I ripped it all out, deleted the App_Data/TEMP folders and then put it all back in again.
Still the same problem until I Ctrl+F5 the browser. Then is started working.

A bit strange but thanks.
