#An Introduction to Javascript Promises
This is a simple repo constructed for engineers wanting to understand the reasons for promises and desiring the understanding to create their own implementation of a Promise library
####Initial Steps for the using this repo
npm install
to install dependencies
npm install nodemon -g
to globally install nodemon
npm start
to start up the node server
To have access to all of the solutions for this repo, add a remote for this repo
git remote add upstream https://github.com/kurtbartholomew/promises-introduction.git
After that, retrieve the branches by entering git fetch upstream
and then git branch -a
to view the available solution branches. Use git checkout upstream/*insert solution branch name*
to work off a local copy
###Callback Creation
Initially pulling down the repo will give you a starting point to refactor
the existing function calls in server/config/middleware.js
as well as the
existing funtions in server/utils
to use callbacks.
Use the feedback from your server in your terminal to properly construct your callbacks so you return 'broccoli' on the front end.
###Refactoring to Promises
You may proceed to the callbacks finished
branch to start
refactoring callbacks using promises.
At this point, you should refactor the same functions and function calls using bluebird's promise creation capabilities
###(Optional) Refactoring to Promises with Bluebird's PromisifyAll
Use the callbacks finished
branch and use promisifyAll keep your refactor
to two pages of edits