
Problem with self-hosted server connection

asitemade4u opened this issue · 11 comments

I have issues executing osrm::osrmNearest with my self-hosted OSRM server.

Here are the details:

  1. I self host an OSRM server using docker.
  • I just changed the port to 5111 as it was colliding with another of my self-hosted servers.
    Nevertheless, it works fine and responds to a curl to its local IP address ( such as:
curl ",-73.9803640;40.6551440,-74.0035490?steps=true"

I assume the OSRM API responds well then.

  • I also did not turn on the GUI of the OSRM server in my docker-compose.yml file.
  1. I installed the osrm plugin in R. My R installation is also served by a self-hosted server using CodeServer -- and works just fine.
  2. I followed your instructions on how to connect the plugin with the server (notably the trailing /).
  3. I executed the above curl instruction from the bash terminal of my R coding environment and it returned a correct result. So I assume I can connect to the API from my development environment, from where the below code is executed.
  4. The R code I am using is straightforward:
  • I define the server and the profile:
options(osrm.server = "")
options(osrm.profile = "foot")
  • I load trackpoint coordinates (lat/lon) from a Postgis database, among other relevant data columns, into a dataframe, thetmp
  • I transform thetmp into a sf geometry using sf::st_as_sf: the column thetmp$geometry replaces the two coordinate columns, as a result.
  • Lastly, I loop all the rows of thetmp dataframe and add nearest coordinates of each trackpoint into a new column to the dataframe, thetmp$new:
thetmp$new[i] <- osrm::osrmNearest(loc = thetmp$geometry[i], osrm.server = getOption("osrm.server"), osrm.profile = getOption("osrm.profile")
  • I get no error while executing but the outcome of each cell in the new dataframe column is always the same, and obviously not what I was expecting:
[1] "loc"

What am I doing wrong?


PS1. I also tried to prefix the server address with http:// but it yields the same result.
PS2. Nous pouvons communiquer en Français si cela est plus facile pour vous, car je suis un compatriote vivant aux US. ;o))

rCarto commented

Hello, I'm AFK right now, I'll have a look at it in early September.
Do other functions work (e.g. osrmRoute() or osrmTable())?

Are you back to the keyboard?
And to answer your question belatedly, yes, I get results when I call OSRM from curl like so:

curl "<server-ip>:5111/route/v1/foot/40.6476940,-73.9803640;40.6551440,-74.0035490?steps=true"

Thank you for your help,

rCarto commented

Ok thanks,
Does this snippet work ?

osrmRoute(src = c(-73.9803640, 40.6476940), dst = c(-74.0035490, 40.6551440), 
          osrm.server = "", 
          osrm.profile = "foot")

That said, when I input in my browser, I get this error message from OSRM:

{"message":"URL string malformed close to position 1: \"\/\"","code":"InvalidUrl"}

And yet I am positive that is the address on which OSRM is published. Here is the docker-compose.yml file:

version: "3"

    image: osrm/osrm-backend:latest
    container_name: rte
    restart: unless-stopped
    command: "osrm-routed --algorithm mld /data/nyc.osrm"
      - "/mnt/sam/cch/rte:/data"
      - 5111:5000
      - com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=true

And the container's log shows no error.

rCarto commented

That said, when I input in my browser, I get this error message from OSRM:

{"message":"URL string malformed close to position 1: \"\/\"","code":"InvalidUrl"}

This message is returned by OSRM, so it's OK. OSRM is published and accessible at this address...

Anyway the problem does not seem to be linked specifically to osrmNearest(). I'll change the label of the issue.

hey there,
i have exactly the same problem. when I run your example I get

> travel_time$durations[1:5,1:5]
  1 2 3 4 5
1 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0

each time. what's weird is this:

> travel_time$sources[1:5,]
       lon      lat
1 0.337306 51.54285
2 0.337306 51.54285
3 0.337306 51.54285
4 0.337306 51.54285
5 0.337306 51.54285
> travel_time$destinations[1:5,]
       lon      lat
1 0.337306 51.54285
2 0.337306 51.54285
3 0.337306 51.54285
4 0.337306 51.54285
5 0.337306 51.54285

when in reality those should be (when I use the online routing server)

> travel_time$sources
         lon      lat
1   13.43857 52.47726
2   13.57897 52.45815
3   13.49047 52.61726
4   13.51960 52.49760
5   13.45592 52.50109
6   13.33849 52.49470


> osrmRoute(src = c(-73.9803640, 40.6476940), dst = c(-74.0035490, 40.6551440), 
+           osrm.server = "", 
+           osrm.profile = "foot")
Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 4 fields
Geometry type: LINESTRING
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -0.5152 ymin: 51.46248 xmax: -0.5152 ymax: 51.46248
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
        src dst duration distance                       geometry
src_dst src dst        0        0 LINESTRING (-0.5152 51.4624...

always returns zero distance.

the API seems to run correctly:

floswald@PTL11077 ~/D/r/B/D/shapefiles> curl ",-0.038;51.55,-0.097?steps=true"                                               (base) 
{"code":"Ok","routes":[{"geometry":"cb`xHqqQ??","legs":[{"steps":[{"geometry":"cb`xHqqQ??","maneuver":{"bearing_after":133,"bearing_before":0,"location":[0.09513,51.287537],"type":"depart"},"mode":"driving","driving_side":"right","name":"Hogtrough Hill","intersections":[{"out":0,"entry":[true],"bearings":[133],"location":[0.09513,51.287537]}],"weight":0,"duration":0,"distance":0},{"geometry":"cb`xHqqQ","maneuver":{"bearing_after":0,"bearing_before":133,"location":[0.09513,51.287537],"type":"arrive"},"mode":"driving","driving_side":"right","name":"Hogtrough Hill","intersections":[{"in":0,"entry":[true],"bearings":[313],"location":[0.09513,51.287537]}],"weight":0,"duration":0,"distance":0}],"summary":"Hogtrough Hill","weight":0,"duration":0,"distance":0}],"weight_name":"routability","weight":0,"duration":0,"distance":0}],"waypoints":[{"hint":"_GQCgCNlAoAJAAAAAAAAALEGAAAAAAAAVyxQQAAAAACuoxREAAAAAAUAAAAAAAAAVwMAAAAAAACbAQAAmnMBAPGVDgNwPxEDkGv__xMAXwiiZDlw","distance":7677559.389826364,"name":"Hogtrough Hill","location":[0.09513,51.287537]},{"hint":"_GQCgCNlAoAJAAAAAAAAALEGAAAAAAAAVyxQQAAAAACuoxREAAAAAAUAAAAAAAAAVwMAAAAAAACbAQAAmnMBAPGVDgMwlxIDGIX-_xMAXwiiZDlw","distance":7689755.214539866,"name":"Hogtrough Hill","location":[0.09513,51.287537]}]}⏎                   

oh no, just realised that the API is returning zero distance all the time! so that's the problem here...

nevermind, I reconfigured the package in a new location and on a new openstreetmap, now it works. strangely only the R package works, the curl calls always return zero distance...

rCarto commented

Hi @asitemade4u ,
Have you solved the problem?

As I am now using several other RiateLab tools with success, I gave osrm a new try.
And, yes, to answer your question, it works now.
Case closed.