Custom Component
devloe opened this issue · 6 comments
I have this:
public class CommentViewHolder extends ItemViewHolder<Debate> {
What if I have a custom component that extends LinearLayout and is in charge of inflating and populating the R.layout.item_comment?
I use this to place a "comment" into a layout:
Is there a way to use a custom component with a view holder?
Hope I explained my situation in a way you can understand.
Here's an explanation of what I'm trying to do I think:
I guess why I need is be able to cast the inflation to a my custom component
convertView = (CommentItem)
mInflater.inflate(mItemLayoutId, parent, false);
What you think?
I've never tried this but you should be able to use a custom component in the same way as a normal layout file. Your item_comment.xml
file should look like this:
android:layout_height="fill_parent" />
The EasyAdapter
will inflate it and save a reference inside the ViewHolder
so from the ViewHolder
you can access your custom view like this:
CommentItem customView = (CommentItem) getView();
Ok I will try this.
Let's say I have a method on the CommentItem class that sets the UI:
class CommentItem extends LinearLayout{
public void setupUI(Comment data){
Is it possible to call this method like this?
public void onSetValues(Debate item, PositionInfo positionInfo) {
Sorry i'm new to Android.
will return a generic View
object so you will have to cast it to your specific custom view. This should work:
public void onSetValues(Debate item, PositionInfo positionInfo) {
CommentItem commentView = (CommentItem) getView();
Excellent! It works like a charm. :)
I know it was a little bit off topic. Thanks for all.