
When calling theme_tech: "plot.subtitle" is not a valid theme element name

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The example code fails with the following error:


d <- qplot(carat, data = diamonds[diamonds$color %in% LETTERS[4:7], ], 
geom = "histogram", bins=30, fill = color)

d + theme_tech(theme="google") + 
  scale_fill_tech(theme="google") + 
  labs(title="Google theme", 
       subtitle="now with subtitles for ggplot2 >= 2.1.0")

Error in (function (el, elname) : "plot.subtitle" is not a valid theme element name.

scale_fill_tech works on its own, so the issue concerns theme_tech.

I'm fully up to date: R 3.3.0, ggtech_0.1, ggplot2_2.1.0

I had had same issue like you, but fortunately I found how to solve it :)
remove your ggplot2 package using "remove.packages("ggplot2")"
then install develop version of ggplot2 "devtools::install_github('hadley/ggplot2')"
I found only develop version has plot.subtitle element.

package ‘hadley/ggplot2’ is not available (for R version 3.3.2), ghost?

Got moved from hadley to tidyverse, so:


But I think the CRAN version now has plot.subtitle.

Having trouble checking as I'm on R 3.2.2 which ggtech doesn't work for (corporate installation so can't upgrade), but I suspect this issue is resolved by the ggplot2 update including plot.subtitle.