
Taps Deleted Everything

bendangelo opened this issue · 1 comments

So I just discovered taps and thought it was a great way to pull data from heroku and edit stuff locally. So I used heroku db:pull to get the database and that worked fine.

When I was finished making changes, I decided to push it. So I typed in heroku db:push. I got no errors nothing, it did mention, sending data 10 tables, 27 records, even though the database has at least 500 records.

After that finished, it printed Resetting sequences and all my data was lost on heroku and locally.

This sucks pretty hard. I'm not sure if I did something wrong but why would it delete everything locally if I was pushing?

Ok I found the issue. If the database schema is not the same on heroku it deletes all data. Just db:migrate before pushing