
Adding new cards to the stack on-the-fly

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Came from https://github.com/appinioGmbH/flutter_packages and stumbled upon your package here, and reviewed a bit of your code. Looks like some decent improvements!

I like that you added internal state of cards - as well as seperated the package into it's own, which it deserves - however, do you have any working examples of adding new cards to the stack? E.g. when there's 3 items left in stack, add in more?

Well, at the moment I don't have any examples of this, nor do I have any plans to include it in the package. However, yesterday I released a new version that replaces the old cards param with a builder function, and I also added an initialIndex param. So you may be able to do what you want with these new parameters. If it doesn't work, feel free to open a PR on this issue.