

staticdreams opened this issue · 8 comments

Hello Ricardo,

Thanks for this module . I was looking forward an easier solution of implementing Quick Actions with my app. However, I ran into some installation issues. Module is installed correctly and recognised with "import" statement at the beginning of my AppDelegate, but then there are some problems:

Use of undeclared type 'ShortcutType'
Cannot specialize non-generic type 'module<QuickActions>'

Truth be told I'm just following the steps you outlined in the readme file. At this point I'm just guessing which part goes where in my app. Could you please provide and example application for everyone to use as kickstart ?

Can you try with v1.2?
I fixed it with 813eeda.

Even so, I will create an Example project.
Thank you for pointing this out.

Actually it wasn't working with Cocoapods installation. So I imported the file directly and it worked.

What was wrong with CocoaPods?
Can you share the log?

Nothing wrong. I mean it installed correctly and I was able to use import QuickActions statement without any warnings. But it just wouldn't recognise ShortcutType or my instantiating of QuickActions ..
After that I uninstalled cocopod and dragged the file directly into my project and it worked fine

The problem is fixed now. I was missing a couple of access levels: public.
You can go back to CocoaPods. I tested it.

ok, thank you! I also experience a few crashes. notably when not specifying a subtitle for quick action, although it is marked as optional. I had to specify it anyway to avoid crashes

Please open an issue for that crash.
Thank you.