
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Jfa Whatsapp Chatbot

Jfa Whatsapp Chatbot 💬

Attention: This version is NOT STABLE yet!!! NOT USE YET!!!

With this node.js micro framework using Venom Bot under the hood, you can easily create a WhatsApp Chatbot 🤖 . You will only need to edit your conversation flow in a single file.

Homepage: https://jordifernandes.com/jfa-whastapp-chatbot/

Getting Started

Create a new repository from this template.


Requirements: nodejs, yarn, pm2, chrome/chromium

$ yarn install


Edit ./src/config.js file


For production:

$ yarn start
$ yarn stop
$ yarn restart
$ yarn reload

$ yarn http-ctrl:start
$ yarn http-ctrl:stop
$ yarn http-ctrl:restart
$ yarn http-ctrl:reload

For development:

$ yarn dev
$ yarn dev:detach

$ yarn http-ctrl:dev
$ yarn http-ctrl:dev:detach


Sessions and auth tokens are write in ./tokens folder.


Logs are write in ./logs folder.

$ yarn log:console
$ yarn log:conversations

Conversation Flow

The conversation flow is an array of ordered reply objects. A reply is only triggered if its parent (can be an integer or an array) is equal to the id of the previous reply.

Replies Relations

To indicate that a reply is the end of the conversation add the following property:

Property Type Description
end Boolean The end of the conversation

A reply necessarily needs the following properties:

Replies Types

Send Text

Property Type Description
id Integer Reply id is used to link with parent
parent Integer Id of the reply parent or ids array [2, 3]. If it has no parent it is 0 by default
pattern RegExp Regular expression to match in lower case
message String Reply text message


    id: 1,
    parent: 0,
    pattern: /.*/, // Match with all text
    message: "Hi I am a Chatbot!",

Send Buttons

Property Type Description
id Integer Reply id is used to link with parent
parent Integer Id of the reply parent or ids array [2, 3]. If it has no parent it is 0 by default
pattern RegExp Regular expression to match in lower case
message String Reply text message
description String Reply text subtitle
buttons Array Button object, look at the example


    id: 1,
    parent: 0,
    pattern: /.*/,
    message: "Hello!",
    description: "Can I help with something?",
    buttons: buttons([

Send List

Property Type Description
id Integer Reply id is used to link with parent
parent Integer Id of the reply parent or ids array [2, 3]. If it has no parent it is 0 by default
pattern RegExp Regular expression to match in lower case
message String Reply text message
description String Reply text subtitle
button String List button text
list Array List object, look at the example


    id: 1,
    parent: 0,
    pattern: /other country/,
    message: "Choice one country",
    description: "Choice one option!",
    button: "Countries list",
    list: list([

Send Link

Property Type Description
id Integer Reply id is used to link with parent
parent Integer Id of the reply parent or ids array [2, 3]. If it has no parent it is 0 by default
pattern RegExp Regular expression to match in lower case
message String Reply text message
link String URL of generated link preview


    id: 2,
    parent: 1, // Relation with id: 1
    pattern: /github/,
    message: "Check my Github repositories!",
    link: "https://github.com/jfadev",

Send Image

Property Type Description
id Integer Reply id is used to link with parent
parent Integer Id of the reply parent or ids array [2, 3]. If it has no parent it is 0 by default
pattern RegExp Regular expression to match in lower case
image Path / Object Path or Object returned by remoteImg() funtion


    id: 1,
    parent: 0,
    pattern: /.*/, // Match all
    image: remoteImg("https://remote-server.com/menu.jpg"),
    // image: "./images/menu.jpg",

Send Audio

Property Type Description
id Integer Reply id is used to link with parent
parent Integer Id of the reply parent or ids array [2, 3]. If it has no parent it is 0 by default
pattern RegExp Regular expression to match in lower case
audio Path / Object Path or Object returned by remoteAudio() funtion.


    id: 1,
    parent: 0,
    pattern: /.*/, // Match all
    audio: remoteAudio("https://remote-server.com/audio.mp3"),
    // audio: "./audios/audio.mp3",

Forward Message

Property Type Description
id Integer Reply id is used to link with parent
parent Integer Id of the reply parent or ids array [2, 3]. If it has no parent it is 0 by default
pattern RegExp Regular expression to match in lower case
message String Reply text message
forward String Number where the message is forwarded


    id: 1,
    parent: 0,
    pattern: /forward/,
    message: "Text to forward",
    forward: "55368275082750726@c.us", // forward this message to this number


Helper Return Description
buttons(buttonTexts) Array Generate buttons
remoteTxt(url) String Return a remote TXT file
remoteJson(url) JSON Return a remote JSON file
remoteImg(url) Object Return a remote Image file
remoteAudio(url) Object Return a remote Audio file
list(listRows) Array Generate list
inp(id, parents) String Return input string by reply id. Use in beforeReply, afterReply and beforeForward


Property Type Description
beforeReply(from, input, output, parents, media) Function Inject custom code before a reply
afterReply(from, input, parents, media) Function Inject custom code after a reply
beforeForward(from, forward, input, parents, media) Function Inject custom code before a forward

Http Control Panel

With the control panel you can log in, start, stop or restart the bot and monitor the logs.

Set your username and password to access your control panel in file ./src/config.js

export const chatbotOptions = {
  httpCtrl: {
    port: 3000, // httpCtrl port (http://localhost:3000/)
    username: "admin",
    password: "chatbot"

Use an nginx reverse proxy to publicly expose the http control panel (configuration example).

Http Control Panel


Edit your file ./src/conversations/conversation.js and create your custom conversation workflow.

Example 1


import { buttons } from "../helpers.js";

 * Chatbot conversation flow
 * Example 1
export default [
    id: 1,
    parent: 0,
    pattern: /hello|hi|howdy|good day|good morning|hey|hi-ya|how are you|how goes it|howdy\-do/,
    message: "Hello! Thank you for contacting me, I am a Chatbot 🤖 , we will gladly assist you.",
    description: "Can I help with something?",
    buttons: buttons([
      "Leave a Message",
    id: 2,
    parent: 1, // Relation with id: 1
    pattern: /website/,
    message: "Visit my website and learn more about me!",
    link: "https://jordifernandes.com/",
    end: true,
    id: 3,
    parent: 1, // Relation with id: 1
    pattern: /linkedin/,
    message: "Visit my LinkedIn profile!",
    link: "https://www.linkedin.com/in/jfadev",
    end: true,
    id: 4,
    parent: 1, // Relation with id: 1
    pattern: /github/,
    message: "Check my Github repositories!",
    link: "https://github.com/jfadev",
    end: true,
    id: 5,
    parent: 1, // Relation with id: 1
    pattern: /donate/,
    message: "A tip is always good!",
    link: "https://jordifernandes.com/donate/",
    end: true,
    id: 6,
    parent: 1, // Relation with id: 1
    pattern: /leave a message/,
    message: "Write your message, I will contact you as soon as possible!",
    id: 7,
    parent: 6, // Relation with id: 6
    pattern: /.*/, // Match with all text
    message: "Thank you very much, your message will be sent to Jordi! Sincerely the Chatbot 🤖 !",
    end: true,

Example 2


import { buttons, remoteTxt, remoteJson } from "../helpers.js";

const customEndpoint = "https://jordifernandes.com/examples/chatbot";

 * Chatbot conversation flow
 * Example 2
export default [
    id: 1,
    parent: 0,
    pattern: /.*/,
    message: "Hello! I am a Delivery Chatbot.",
    description: "Choice one option!",
    buttons: buttons([
      "See today's menu?",
      "Order directly!",
      "Talk to a human!",
    id: 2,
    parent: 1, // Relation with id: 1
    pattern: /menu/,
    message: remoteTxt(`${customEndpoint}/menu.txt`),
    // message: remoteJson(`${customEndpoint}/menu.json`)[0].message,
    end: true,
    id: 3,
    parent: 1, // Relation with id: 1
    pattern: /order/,
    message: "Make a order!",
    link: `${customEndpoint}/delivery-order.php`,
    end: true,
    id: 4,
    parent: 1, // Relation with id: 1
    pattern: /human/,
    message: "Please call the following whatsapp number: +1 206 555 0100",
    end: true,

Example 3


import fetch from "sync-fetch";
import { remoteImg } from "../helpers.js";

const customEndpoint = "https://jordifernandes.com/examples/chatbot";

 * Chatbot conversation flow
 * Example 3
export default [
    id: 1,
    parent: 0,
    pattern: /.*/, // Match all
    message: "Hello! I am a Delivery Chatbot. Send a menu item number!",
    id: 2,
    parent: 0, // Same parent (send reply id=1 and id=2)
    pattern: /.*/, // Match all
    image: remoteImg(`${customEndpoint}/menu.jpg`),
    id: 3,
    parent: 1, // Relation with id: 1
    pattern: /\d+/, // Match any number
    message: "You are choice item number $input. How many units do you want?", // Inject input value ($input) in message
    id: 4,
    parent: 2, // Relation with id: 2
    pattern: /\d+/, // Match any number
    message: "You are choice $input units. How many units do you want?",
    // Inject custom code or overwrite output 'message' property before reply
    beforeReply(from, input, output, parents) {
      // Example check external api and overwrite output 'message'
      const response = fetch(
      return response.stock === 0
        ? "Item number $input is not available in this moment!"
        : output;
    end: true,

Example 4


import { remoteImg } from "../helpers.js";

const customEndpoint = "https://jordifernandes.com/examples/chatbot";

 * Chatbot conversation flow
 * Example 4
export default [
    id: 1,
    parent: 0,
    pattern: /.*/, // Match all
    message: "Image local and remote! Send [local] or [remote]",
    id: 2,
    parent: 1,
    pattern: /local/, 
    image: "./images/image1.jpg",
    end: true,
    id: 3,
    parent: 1,
    pattern: /remote/, 
    image: remoteImg(`${customEndpoint}/image1.jpg`),
    end: true,

Example 5


import { remoteImg } from "../helpers.js";

const customEndpoint = "https://jordifernandes.com/examples/chatbot";

 * Chatbot conversation flow
 * Example 5
export default [
    id: 1,
    parent: 0,
    pattern: /.*/, // Match all
    message: "Audio local and remote! Send [local] or [remote]",
    id: 2,
    parent: 1,
    pattern: /local/, 
    audio: "./audios/audio1.mp3",
    end: true,
    id: 3,
    parent: 1,
    pattern: /remote/, 
    audio: remoteAudio(`${customEndpoint}/audio1.mp3`),
    end: true,

Example 6


import fetch from "sync-fetch";

const customEndpoint = "https://jordifernandes.com/examples/chatbot";

 * Chatbot conversation flow
 * Example 6
export default [
    id: 1,
    parent: 0,
    pattern: /.*/, // Match all
    message: "",
    // Inject custom code or overwrite output 'message' property before reply
    beforeReply(from, input, output, parents) {
      // Get reply from external api and overwrite output 'message'
      const response = fetch(`${customEndpoint}/ai-reply.php/?input=${input}`).json();
      return response.message;
    end: true,

Example 7


import fetch from "sync-fetch";

const customEndpoint = "https://jordifernandes.com/examples/chatbot";

 * Chatbot conversation flow
 * Example 7
export default [
    id: 1,
    parent: 0,
    pattern: /.*/, // Match all
    message: "Hello!",
    // Inject custom code after reply
    afterReply(from, input, parents) {
      // Send whatsapp number to external api
      const response = fetch(`${customEndpoint}/number-lead.php/`, {
        method: "POST",
        body: JSON.stringify({ number: from }),
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
      console.log('response:', response);
    end: true,

Example 8


import { buttons, inp } from "../helpers.js";

 * Chatbot conversation flow
 * Example 8
export default [
    id: 1,
    parent: 0,
    pattern: /.*/,
    message: "Choice one option",
    description: "choice option:",
    buttons: buttons(["Option 1", "Option 2"]),
    id: 2,
    parent: 1,
    pattern: /.*/,
    message: "We have received your request. Thanks.\n\n",
    beforeReply(from, input, output, parents) {
      output += `Your option: ${inp(2, parents)}`;
      return output;
    forward: "5512736862295@c.us", // default number or empty
    beforeForward(from, forward, input, parents) { // Overwrite forward number
      switch (inp(2, parents)) { // Access to replies inputs by id
        case "option 1":
          forward = "5511994751001@c.us";
        case "option 2":
          forward = "5584384738389@c.us";
          forward = "5512736862295@c.us";
      return forward;
    end: true,

Example 9


 * Chatbot conversation flow
 * Example 9
export default [
    id: 1,
    parent: 0,
    pattern: /.*/, // Match all
    message: "",
    // Inject custom code or overwrite output 'message' property before reply
    beforeReply(from, input, output, parents, media) {
      if (media) {
        console.log("media buffer", media.buffer);
        return `You send file with .${media.extension} extension!`;
      } else {
        return "Send a picture please!";
    end: true,

More Examples



Attention: Do not log in to whatsapp web with the same account that the chatbot uses. This will make the chatbot unable to hear the messages.

Attention: You need a whatsapp account for the chatbot and a different account to be able to talk to it.

Attention: Does not work with WhatsApp multi-device (beta). Disable it on your device.




MIT License


Pull requests are welcome :)
