

pwnall opened this issue · 1 comments

The Chromium Intent to Implement thread mentions local storage usage. Wanted to bring up snappy. Reasons why it's a good future candidate:

  1. It's a different point in the size-speed tradeoff.
  2. The implementation takes advantage of hardware acceleration (up to AVX2 on Intel), so it'll probably be a while until a WASM polyfill matches the native implementation.

Not claiming snappy should replace gzip as the default, just wanted to make you aware of it for future-proof designing. gzip / deflate is great for data to be sent over a network, snappy is great for data to be stored on disk.

ricea commented

An attraction of snappy from Chromium's point of view is that it is already compiled into the binary as part of leveldb. A cursory search indicates Firefox also appears to be using it.