
tx command gives different result than readme

blutooth opened this issue · 1 comments

When I execute the command:
tx -i 12c6DSiU4Rq3P4ZxziKxzrL5LmMBrzjrJX

There are 3 trailing /0 s at the end. What is the significance of this? Can it be ignored, it is not explained in the readme. Also is the 1061 before the 3 zeroes the amount?


Sorry for delay on this. Yes, you can ignore these extra 0s. This is a representation of the TxOut as a Spendable and mean block_index_available (what block created the TxOut), does_seem_spent (a boolean) and block_index_spent (what block spends the TxOut). 0 means not created/spent.

This may have been a bad idea on my part to expand this.