
SX1262 output power too low

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I measured the output power from my TTGO_T_Beam_V1_2_SX1262. The power level seems limited at only 10 dBm, not 22 dBm according to the datasheet.
After looking around in the code, i found that the current limit for the PA is not increased from its default value.
When setting it to its max. value using radio.setCurrentLimit(140);, the measured power increases from 10 to 17 dBm. (still not 22 dBm, but maybe my board is not that good)

Yes, this (too) is indeed missing from the code.
Try to raise the current limit higher (maximum value 240mA).
Do not raise the output power higher than 20dBm because +2 is added within the code. If you set a value higher than 20 in the configuration you will limit the radiolib back to 10dBm.

From my experience, NONE of the Lilygo modules do reach the advertised output power !
+17dBm is the max I got from a SX1278 and +20dBm from a SX1272

I've written a small test software for the Lilygo modules :