
Error code "failed, code -705"

Opened this issue · 13 comments

Error if send from bluetooth: failed, code -705
Receive not work (len off)

My config

#ifdef ESP32_DIY_1W_LoRa_GPS   // My Ebyte E22 400M30S OR RA-01S / SX1268

#define OLED_SDA            21
#define OLED_SCL            22
#define OLED_RST            -1

#define GPS_RX              17
#define GPS_TX              16
#define GPS_PPS             26
#define BUTTON_PIN          -1//15
#define BATTERY_PIN         36  //ADC0  

#define RADIO_SCLK_PIN  18     // GPIO5    - SX12xx SCK ----> SCLK
#define RADIO_MISO_PIN  19     // GPIO19   - SX12xx MISO
#define RADIO_MOSI_PIN  23     // GPIO27   - SX12xx MOSI
#define RADIO_CS_PIN    5      // GPIO18   - SX12xx CS ---> NSS
//#define RADIO_DIO0_PIN  -1
#define RADIO_RST_PIN   14     // GPIO14   - SX12xx RST ---> NRST
#define RADIO_DIO1_PIN  33
#define RADIO_BUSY_PIN  39     // GPIO26   - SX12xx IRQ ----> DIO0  
#define RADIO_RXEN      2
#define RADIO_TXEN      4


ps work in igate

I change in tracker_config.json all pins in "-1"
it works now

Hi Vitaliy

I need more context and explanations what are you using, which board? or full diy? tracker firmware or igate firmware

all data needed please

Megváltoztattam a tracker_config.json összes pinjét a "-1"-ben, ez most működik

In Config, the flashlight PIN conflicts with the RST PIN configuration of the lora radio.
"-705 timed out while waiting for complete SPI command."
-You cannot set the PIN to -1 because:

if (Config.notification.ledFlashlight) pinMode(Config.notification.ledFlashlightPin, OUTPUT);

this line should normally be like this:
if (Config.notification.ledFlashlight && Config.notification.ledFlashlightPin >= 0 ) pinMode(Config.notification.ledFlashlightPin, OUTPUT);
And other similar lines. :)

And RADIO_RXEN also conflicts with the ledmessagePin.

richonguzma this project

tracker firmware

Szetya yes, but work....

richonguzma this project

tracker firmware

Szetya yes, but work....

so did you validate all pins from pins_config.h and also the notifications pins from tracker_conf.json to avoid being the same?

@richonguzman Almost all pins are used so you need - 1 option in the tracker_config.json file -1 for the PINs. But -1 can only be without error if the if() structure is as I wrote above.
@Vitaliy86 Be careful with the pins_config and tracker_config.json files. I know several people who have ruined their radios because of this.
I had a pull request in February about this but withdrew it for lack of progress.

@richonguzman Almost all pins are used so you need - 1 option in the tracker_config.json file -1 for the PINs. But -1 can only be without error if the if() structure is as I wrote above. @Vitaliy86 Be careful with the pins_config and tracker_config.json files. I know several people who have ruined their radios because of this. I had a pull request in February about this but withdrew it for lack of progress.

why don't you add all the info needed for @Vitaliy86 , not just a basic guide?


I added this validations for -1 values on tracker Fw this morning


I added this validations for -1 values on tracker Fw this morning
@richonguzman Yes, I see. The only problem is that it won't boot when -1.
In short: On the BV5DJ board, all the ESP PINs are busy = performs some function. So you need the possibility to replace the PIN for buzzer, ledtx, ledmessage, ledflaslight with a number (-1 is disabled by default) for which nothing happens.
So if a value less than 0 is specified, don't use that PIN (even if the corresponding value is enabled)
In this case the situation is now even worse than it was before.

well, can you do a map of the pinouts needed and also the config values it needs for this?

I added this validations for -1 values on tracker Fw this morning
@richonguzman Yes, I see. The only problem is that it won't boot when -1.
In short: On the BV5DJ board, all the ESP PINs are busy = performs some function. So you need the possibility to replace the PIN for buzzer, ledtx, ledmessage, ledflaslight with a number (-1 is disabled by default) for which nothing happens.
So if a value less than 0 is specified, don't use that PIN (even if the corresponding value is enabled)
In this case the situation is now even worse than it was before.

Nos, meg tudod csinálni a térképet a szükséges pinoutokról és az ehhez szükséges konfigurációs értékekről?

Ma reggel hozzáadtam ezt az érvényesítést a -1 értékekhez az Fw trackerben
@richonguzman Igen, látom. Az egyetlen probléma az, hogy nem indul el, ha -1.
Röviden: A BV5DJ kártyán az összes ESP PIN-kód foglalt = valamilyen funkciót lát el. Tehát szükség van arra a lehetőségre, hogy a berregő, ledtx, ledmessage, ledflashlight PIN kódját lecserélje egy számra (a -1 alapértelmezés szerint le van tiltva), amelynél nem történik semmi.
Tehát ha 0-nál kisebb érték van megadva, ne használja azt a PIN-kódot (még akkor sem, ha a megfelelő érték engedélyezve van).
Ebben az esetben a helyzet most még rosszabb, mint korábban volt.

#ifdef ESP32_BV5DJ_1W_LoRa_GPS
#undef OLED_RST //Conflict with GPS TX pin
#define OLED_RST -1 //Conflict with GPS TX pin
#define GPS_RX 17
#define GPS_TX 16
#define BUTTON_PIN 0 //ENT
#define RADIO_SCLK_PIN 18
#define RADIO_MISO_PIN 19
#define RADIO_MOSI_PIN 23
#define RADIO_CS_PIN 5
#define RADIO_RST_PIN 14 //NRST
#define RADIO_DIO1_PIN 33
#define RADIO_BUSY_PIN 39
#define RADIO_TXEN 4
#define BUTTON_UP 34 //joystick UP
#define BUTTON_DOWN 35 //joystick DOWN
#define BUTTON_LEFT 27 //joystick LEFT
#define BUTTON_RIGHT 32 //joystick RIGHT
#define SD_CS 13 //MicroSD card SlaveSelect
#define GPS_PPS 26 //GPS PPS pin
#define BATTERY_PIN 36 //ADC pin from voltage divider
#define RGB_LED_PIN 12 //WS2812 LED GPIO
#define LEDNUM 2 //WS2812 LEDs num's
#define KEEP_ALIVE 25 //Trigger -pad in PCB
#define DIO3_TCXO_REF 1.8 //DIO3 Reference Voltage
