
OTA username/pw is not read from config

S57PNX opened this issue · 5 comments

For a while I had problems accessing the OTA page - if I had a password configured, it wasn't working. If I tried to remove the username/password, I was still being asked for an username/password for OTA.

Eventually I added a couple of serial.println calls to ota_utils.cpp and found that regardless of the configured OTA username/pasword in the config file, the username and password are always literal string "null". This is with various firmwares since February.

How to replicate: start with a virgin board, upload firmware and default filesystem (without OTA username/password) to it. Connect to AP, Click on "Update OTA" and when asked for username/password, enter null/null.

Anybody else seeing this?

Yes, confirmed and already adressed to Ricardo

Yes, we found the problem and this will be fixed within 24 hours

Ok please check the fresh release. Now it should work :) 73! Damian SQ2CPA

Confirm it is fixed for me, thank you!
