
Beacon logic issue

jclifford73 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi Ricardo

Hardware: Heltec V3

"beacon": {

    "path": "",
    "sendViaAPRSIS": true,
    "sendViaRF": true

"aprs_is": {

    "active": true,

"lora": {

    "txActive": true,
    "rxActive": true

With these settings beacons are sent to both APRS-IS and RF correctly

If the "sendViaRF": true is changed to "sendViaRF": false then no beacons are sent to RF or APRS-IS
If "path": "", is then set to "path": "WIDE1-1", beacons to APRS-IS are restored

So path should not have to be set WIDE1-1 to allow beacons to be sent to APRS-IS. A null path should be allowed.

Thanks for all your work on this great firmware.

73 John GW4BVE

Hi John

sendViaRF:false + path = "" = no beacons over APRS-IS + no beacons over RF ??
sendViaRF:false + path = "WIDE1-1" beacons are sended normally (over APRS-IS) ?

PS: with sendViaRF:false + path = "WIDE1-1" are beacons sended normally over RF ?

Hi Ricardo
Hardware: Heltec V3
Configuration changes made via the web interface

All tests:
Send our beacon to APRS-IS - True
Enable LoRa tx - True

Test 1:
Beacon path - WIDE1-1
Send beacon via RF - False
APRS-IS beacon OK
No RF beacon
A path of WIDE1-1 is required to send an APRS-IS beacon. See test 2 below.

Test 2:
Beacon path - ""
Send beacon via RF - False
No APRS-IS beacon
No RF beacon
In this test an APRS-IS beacon should be sent, but it is not sent.

Test 3
Beacon path - ""
Send beacon via RF - True
No APRS-IS beacon
RF beacon OK
In this test the RF beacon is OK even with the "" path but the APRS-IS beacon is not sent

Test 4
Beacon path - "WIDE1-1"
Send beacon via RF - True
APRS-IS beacon OK
No RF beacon
In this test the RF beacon is not sent even though it is enabled

I hope this answers your question Ricardo. What is your intended operation of the beacon logic?

73 John GW4BVE