
voltage battery on Heltec V2

Dom83170 opened this issue · 7 comments


I can't have the voltage battery with the Heltec V2 is it normal or I made something wrong?

Congratulation for the job



I can't have the voltage battery with the Heltec V2 is it normal or I made something wrong?

Congratulation for the job



please confirm "sendBatteryVoltage" is enabled on WebConfig UI

I would need for you to check for the specific version of your board here:

as some pins get moved a lot

Is't it the same what is on Meshtastic that v2 has something bad with battery operations and external BMS is needed? And that is why v2 is not officially supported with Meshtastic?

there area few versions of Heltec V2 , so this maybe the reason why.

I've added the one someone sended me the values to validate it and it worked for him later when doing the mods.

I don't know what the Meshtastic guys tried with it.

If you send me a picture of the board we could start testing it

I've uploaded to branch "heltec v2 mod" the posible mods needed for you

heltec v2 has many versions and we are testing reading battery on pin37 as Heltec V2.1

please test and confirm.