
Therion (.th) file apparently imported correctly but Sexytopo saved empty file.

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When importing the simple Therion (.th) file attached, Sexytopo shows it correctly. It saves the files with no error or warning messages but when trying to open this saved file, I only get an empty survey.

Upon some debugging I found out that:

  1. the files saved by Sexytopo have only one leg.

  2. the survey object created by Therion imported class is kind of empty. The legs are added to the stations but the survey itself seems to have no survey data. (legsinchronoorder is empty. I am not sure this is relevant).

AFAICT Therion importer (and Survex importer) should be disabled to save people from believing they are working (as they show the data on the screen) but don't produce usable saved files.

Sounds like a bug! I'm not sure anyone is really using Therion import so may have gone under the radar for some time. Ideally would fix, but maybe disabling it for now the best option. On the list...