
Doesn't work for Vim 7

Closed this issue · 14 comments

bam80 commented

Thanks for plugin.
Just curios why it needs vim 8?

And it should be mentioned in Readme

Thanks for using.
There are several useful features in 8.0 and
It became not easy to maintain different codes for 7,x and 8.0 both.
And 2 years has passed since 8.0 release. I decided to support only 8.0.
I mentioned it in Reamde as a change history on diffchar 8.0.

Which 7.x version and which patch number you want to use?
Depending on it, the latest diffchar 8.4 might work.

bam80 commented

Thanks. Can't use it still)
Didn't see the mention in Readme, sorry.
I use Vim 7.4.1938

Could you try to edit plugin/diffchar.vim on your PC?
line 16:
if exists('g:loaded_diffchar') || !has('diff') || v:version < 800
if exists('g:loaded_diffchar') || !has('diff') || v:version < 740 || !has('patch-7.4.1895')

If you have 7.4.1895 or more, it might work. Otherwise, please continue to use diffchar 7.6.

bam80 commented

I will, thanks.
If it work, does it mean it will work for all cases for my vim version, or it might work is some cases and not in others?

Sorry, you need 7.4.2204 or later with the latest diffchar 8.4.

if exists('g:loaded_diffchar') || !has('diff') || v:version < 704 || !has('patch-7.4.2204')

If you can not update your vim, please use 7.6

bam80 commented

I'll try to upgrade from Slackware-current, thanks!

Uff.. Still no success. It was not easy to upgrade :(

bam80 commented

At last I upgraded it, and.. it works!
Thanks you a lot! )


bam80 commented

By the way, I'm looking for a good color scheme.
If you know better than on the screenshot, please, let me know!

That is not a recommendation but I always use 'delek' with white background. And sometimes use t:DiffColors option to distinguish a diff unit in a line.

bam80 commented

Hmm, it's hard to catch from the animated GIF what the t:DiffColors option does..
Maybe add static screenshots for every option?

Here they are. Hope this helps.



bam80 commented

Thanks. I think it would be fine to add it to the Readme.

Readme already mentioned t:DiffColors and other options.

bam80 commented

@rickhowe I meant the screenshots.