
Installation documentation

Closed this issue · 2 comments

a2nath commented

Hello, is there a step-by-step installation instructions somewhere?
I did a clone inside the ~/.vim dir and renamed the new dir from diffchar.vim to diffchar

Then I added the "let g:DiffExpr = 1" at the end of the ~/.vimrc
I don't see the word by word diff. And even tried hitting F7 couple of times.

There is no specific procedure for diffchar.vim. You should be able to install it as same as other plugins. In your case, it would be necessary to add 'set rtp+=~/.vim/diffchar.vim' in your ~/.vimrc. (no need to change dir name). Note that 'g:DiffExpr' and 'F7' are not available in recent versions.

a2nath commented

I resolved this issue just after posting this question, by creating the directories, ./vim/path/vendor/start and there I cloned the repo. Changed the name from diffchar.vim to diffchar directory. I'm not sure what the difference is from the solution above ^ but it works now