
This simulator simulates SUAV point-to-point flight based on defined starting conditions and mission parameters, accounting for wind and cloud cover. A full description of the applied flight model can be found in the 'Solar-powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (SUAV) PROTOTYPE Flight Model' document, which is a segment of the final year project report associated with this simulator. The results of the included example simulation is shown below:

The purpose of each .py file in folders 'app', 'data', and 'model' is described below:

model\ - Contains the class used to define the SUAV parameters, mission starting conditions, and mission parameters. It initially applies parameters of a generic SUAV.

data\ - Defines the solar irradiance model applied into the flight simulation.

data\ - Extracts airfoil data and implements it into the flight simulation based on the angle of attack.

data\ - Generates sample weather data based on defined sampling.

app\* - Outlines how a flight may be simulated using the above files. (Running this module with a low-end gaming laptop takes approximately one minute to complete the simulation)

app\* - Outlines how a Monte-Carlo (MC) simulation with uncertainty in cloud cover and wind may be conducted to determine the success rate of a flight. (Running this module with a low-end gaming laptop takes approximately one hour to complete the MC simulation)

*As these files are modules, you will need to enter, for example, "python -m app.ExampleFlight" in the console to run those simulations.

Required Python packages

  1. math
  2. numpy
  3. scipy
  4. pandas
  5. pvlib
  6. csv
  7. timeit
  8. matplotlib

*Language: Python 3

If you are interested to know more about the final year project, you may contact me at for a copy of the full report, or for any other enquires.