
"Cannot read property 'filter' of null" error when installing components.

haganbt opened this issue · 1 comments

After running sudo make the npm modules install correctly however the components fail with the following error:

Ben:nodejs-starter Ben$ sudo make
Installing components...
       fatal : Cannot read property 'filter' of null

make: *** [components] Error 1

Node version: v0.12.4.

Appreciate any thoughts.

OK resolved. After running the njs-install file manually, I could see that requests to github were being rate limited (im guessing due to my corporate account) so setting the GITHUB_USERNAME and GITHUB_PASSWORD env variables resolved the issue:

Ben:nodejs-starter Ben$ sudo node ./bin/njs-install --config

   installed : component/domify@1.2.2 in 1220ms
   installed : yields/empty@0.0.1 in 1416ms
   installed : visionmedia/page.js@1.3.7 in 1550ms
   installed : component/emitter@1.1.2 in 1450ms
   installed : visionmedia/jade@1.3.1 in 2104ms
   installed : visionmedia/superagent@0.18.0 in 1643ms
   installed : component/reduce@1.0.1 in 2410ms
     install : complete

github remote: 53 of 60 requests remaining, resetting at Mon Aug 17 2015 09:07:05 GMT-0700 (PDT)
github remote: see https://github.com/component/guide/blob/master/changelogs/1.0.0.md#required-authentication for more information.
github remote: 52 of 60 requests remaining, resetting at Mon Aug 17 2015 09:07:05 GMT-0700 (PDT)
github remote: see https://github.com/component/guide/blob/master/changelogs/1.0.0.md#required-authentication for more information.
github remote: 50 of 60 requests remaining, resetting at Mon Aug 17 2015 09:07:05 GMT-0700 (PDT)
github remote: see https://github.com/component/guide/blob/master/changelogs/1.0.0.md#required-authentication for more information.
github remote: 49 of 60 requests remaining, resetting at Mon Aug 17 2015 09:07:05 GMT-0700 (PDT)
github remote: see https://github.com/component/guide/blob/master/changelogs/1.0.0.md#required-authentication for more information.
github remote: 48 of 60 requests remaining, resetting at Mon Aug 17 2015 09:07:05 GMT-0700 (PDT)
github remote: see https://github.com/component/guide/blob/master/changelogs/1.0.0.md#required-authentication for more information.
github remote: 47 of 60 requests remaining, resetting at Mon Aug 17 2015 09:07:05 GMT-0700 (PDT)
github remote: see https://github.com/component/guide/blob/master/changelogs/1.0.0.md#required-authentication for more information.
github remote: 42 of 60 requests remaining, resetting at Mon Aug 17 2015 09:07:05 GMT-0700 (PDT)
github remote: see https://github.com/component/guide/blob/master/changelogs/1.0.0.md#required-authentication for more information.