
Prototype that conforms to the ideal Reason build spec found here and here. Implemented with Jenga, Jane Street's all-purpose build system.


  • Lightning build speed: fast startup, incremental, parallel, etc.
  • ./node_modules/.bin/compile to build everything (shorter command coming soon!). No need for sub-build commands since only changed things are rebuilt.
  • Works with npm-style node_modules third-party dependencies that follows the spec (see next section).
  • Works with Reason and vanilla OCaml syntax, out of the box.
  • Generates the correct .merlin files for Merlin.
  • Generates JavaScript output through js_of_ocaml.
  • Peace-of-mind "wipe the whole world" : just remove _build/.
  • Works with OPAM/ocamlfind dependencies: put them in the jengaboot.ocamlfindDependencies field, like so.

Coming soon:

  • Generates utop/rtop bootstrap file.
  • Generates documentation based on mli/rei interface files.
  • Easier installation: bundle Jenga, etc.

"Ideal Reason Project" Spec

  • Needs a src/, and it must be a flat directory.
  • Third-party libraries go into node_modules/.
  • Third-party libraries names of the format foo-bar are transformed into FooBar when used as module name (source file names aren't allowed to have kebab-case).
  • Every library (including the current one) needs a package.json that lists its dependencies, if any.

For Consumers

You need to have Jenga, YoJson, Ocamlfind and js_of_ocaml installed via OPAM:

  • opam update
  • opam pin add -y jenga
  • opam install js_of_ocaml
  • opam install yojson
  • opam install ocamlfind
  • npm install --save-dev jengaboot
  • Write some files in your src/, or install some compliant (see above) npm packages.
  • ./node_modules/.bin/run

For Contributors

Bother me on IRC/Twitter/issues/etc. for specific details.

This repo's structure is a bit weird but convenient. The actual development of the jengaroot logic done in node_modules/jengaboot, and the whole repo simulates a magic spec compliant use-case of the jengaboot.

  • Do the previous sections' installs up until (including) yojson
  • git clone this repo
  • npm install
  • modify jengaroot logic in node_modules/jengaboot/ ( is the compiled result; the step below takes care of that automatically)
  • modify package.json parsing logic in node_modules/jengaboot/buildUtils/*, then run npm run compileUtils in node_modules/jengaboot (check that directory's readme and the compileUtils command itself. They're self-explanatory.)
  • ./
  • _build/top/app.out to see output, or open index.html to see output in console & on screen

Publishing to npm is done inside node_modules/jengaboot. Don't do this yourself for now.

Things to test

  • Support for source/interface interface files that are (uncapitalized, Capitalized) and (snake_cased, camelCased). Support third-party library names of the latter pair (npm modules can no longer be capitalized).
  • Compiles dangling unused source files and unused dependencies (for merlin editor integration, e.g. add a new dependency, compile, then start autocompleting that previously unused module).
  • Dependencies that contain the same source file names.
  • Third-party sources with unique names.
  • Compiling A and B that both require C.
  • .rei interface files referencing third-party modules that source files don't (extra dependencies).
  • opening a third-party library to refer to its module that happens to have the same name as one of our first-party modules.
  • Compile libraries with mixed re, rei, ml and mli files.
  • Symlinks.
  • Third-party folders with kebab-case, snake_case, camelCase and CamelCase.
  • Not compiling unused dependencies.


The whole Jane Street team for making Jenga and helping me understanding it. Also to the whole Reason team of course.