
Powershell output comma converted to dot

marvdgf opened this issue · 1 comments


I'm trying to send powershell output:
windows_scheduled_task_job_execution { taskname="Generate Monthly Report", LastTaskResult="0", LastTaskStatus="Success"} 0

via the script_exporter to prometheus, but the output seem's to be reformated from comma to dot

# HELP script_exit_code The exit code of the script.
# TYPE script_exit_code gauge
script_exit_code{script="ExportScheduledTaskMetric"} 0
windows_scheduled_task_job_execution { taskname="Generate Monthly Report". LastTaskResult="0". LastTaskStatus="Success"} 0

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advanced

Sorry i will close the issue because the issue was within my output.
I had banks in places where they did not belong.