
Using scrape config with discovery does not trigger the scripts

OranShuster opened this issue · 2 comments

Using the following scrape config in prometheus

      - job_name: 'script-exporter-discovery'
          - url: http://script-exporter-svc:9469/discovery

i can see the script_success and all the rest of the "basic" metrics but the script itself does not get triggered

Hi @OranShuster, when the script_success metric is present, it means that the script was executed. Is the script_success metric 1? If the script_success metric is 0 it means that the script execution failed and then the exported metrics from the script are omitted (see #63).

it seems my script was indeed not running successfully. i ended up using a scrape config per job and now facing timeout issues although i am using the recommended timeout command
i will need to investigate this further