Non-sRGB/wide-gamut color spaces support
ricokahler opened this issue · 1 comments
I got a question about whether or not this lib will support non-sRGB color spaces and I want to dedicate a GitHub issue to this for future reference in the readme.
The short answer is no 😅
To clarify: this issue is discussing whether or not this lib will support more colors than the current rbga 0 - 255 color gamut. This is also known as wide-gamut. This is different from color models (like CMYK etc).
The long answer is that support for non-sRGB color spaces is highly dependent on browser support for non-sRGB color spaces. In particular, because we parse colors using canvas, canvas itself must provide a way to get the color in a non-sRGB space. There are proposals on how this might work e.g.
// NOTE: Proposed syntax. Not yet implemented.
canvas.getContext("2d", { colorSpace: "p3" });
but (afaik), there is still no way to pull non-sRGB colors from canvas. Currently we use getImageData
to pull the value of the color.
only provides a Uint8ClampedArray
with values between 0 and 255 inclusive (sRGB space).
Until we get those APIs, adding support for wide-gamut is blocked. Even when the support does come, it'll be a challenge to figure out how to integrate that color space in alongside sRGB while also keeping the bundle size down.
That's particularly challenging because this lib only supports two color models (i.e. rgba
and hsla
) to reduce branching in code. Wide gamut would support would definitely require supporting another color model and rgba
and hsla
probably won't be compatible with wide-gamut color spaces.
Edit: The implementation was switched to getComputedStyle
which is faster however the limitations above mostly still apply.