Suggestion: drop output down to single column to minimse git noise
Closed this issue · 3 comments
Line 227 in 5b7e917
Might I suggest changing that there may be an advantage to making this value one - this would have the eventual effect (after two iterations) of reducing the size of any git commit / difference between two different versions so that only ranges that ARE different get picked out as being different. Currently a single change of just one character added or removed (as an singleton) can produce a sizeable difference - I mean fancy trying to see where the changes are in this part of the unassigned character ranges:
I suppose a branch parallel to master with this sole change is another possibility...
Sure, I'll merge a PR if you have the time!
fixed in #13
FYI, git config alias.diffw "diff --word-diff=color"
makes stuff like this pretty easy to visualize with git diffw