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I encounter this problem when I try to segment Chinese Document. And the output is

I have trained a LDA model using JGibbLDA. I have already segmented Chinese text before using Topictiling.
The command is below:
sh topictiling.sh -ri 5 -tmd model_news -tmn mode-final -fp "*txt" -fd all_seg -s

Is there anything wrong? I am also confused about model-final. I mean that model-final is model-final.others, model-final.phi, model-final.tassign or model.final.theta?
Thank you so much!

@ConnieTong Did you figure it out eventually? I am encountering the same problem.

Can you try to use an absolute path for the -fd option?

and sorry for the late response. For some reason I did not read/receive the message...

I've encountered the same issue, also using absolute paths. I also tried with/without quotes for the "*txt" option, but to no success. Could this be a version conflict with newer Java versions that just doesn't throw an error? I'm on Ubuntu 18.04 FYI.

I guess the error is caused by a typo. In the command, you wrote "-tmn mode-final" . JGibbsLDA or GibbsLDA++ name them "model-final", so with an additional lower "L". The typo exists in the readme.md, so it probably a copy paste error

You cannot run based off of the command -fp "*txt". The only way it works to run by me is with individual documents with the exact label "-fp document_0.txt" @ConnieTong