Push to Maven Central
Closed this issue · 3 comments
Any chance of pushing this up to Maven Central? This would make it easier to use in (my) corporate environment.
I tried, but got bogged down in the Central bureaucracy and never managed to sign up. Is the Clojars repo actually prohibitive for you?
Not necessarily, just adds a step getting someone higher up to proxy Clojars through our Nexus. (Or add it manually, which is actually a bigger pain.) I'll get by, but I think it's kinda the norm for (pure) Java libraries to simply be up on Maven Central. Maybe it would aid adoption just a little?
Sorry to hear it's a pain, but somehow not wholly unexpected. :) If you've given up feel free to close. :)
IIRC last time I tried to sign up for maven central it took 2 hours and I got stuck in some corner of a massive how-to-sign-up document. If someone else complains I'll take another shot at it. :)