
Has 0.3.8 been retagged?

SMillerDev opened this issue · 1 comments

When Homebrew updated the 0.3.8 release in december last year it had the checksum 7490c8808c235ca6ba3d96459296dc922840a0a381f02496a4a370ef668a65ef but when I download it now it has 3234d4aea762f4aef53e1a4bcd1de5a9d3a234cec896687c1d67f70543abf9bd.
The git manual says re-tagging is "the insane thing" to do so we generally err on the side of caution and ask upstream what happened.

This is as a result of #1002. Given the circumstances, I didn't want the wrong architecture images floating around, so IMHO "the insane thing" was a better choice. Apologies for the confusion.