
`-XX:-StackTraceInThrowable` causes a index out of bounds exception

Opened this issue · 1 comments

The java -XX:-StackTraceInThrowable performance options causes index out of bounds exception to be thrown when launching Riemann

To Reproduce
Run env EXTRA_JAVA_OPS='-XX:-StackTraceInThrowable' bin/riemann riemann.config

Expected behavior
Riemann should work without error

Background (please complete the following information):

  • Java/JVM version: 11, 17, 18
  • Riemann version: 0.3.8

Additional context
This is caused by jaxb-api dependency which needs to be upgraded. See this issue for more info.

Hi @nukemberg I can't replicate this. Can you share some more details? What exact Java version, platform, etc.