
gh-pages: quickstart, syntax highlighting bug

Closed this issue · 13 comments

The quickstart guide has this nasty out of code block render.

screen shot 2017-04-02 at 12 54 43

I fixed it with some changes in CSS and now looks like:
screen shot 2017-04-02 at 13 01 41

Should I go for a PR?


Thank you.

@sudoankit I still have the issue in riemann.io.
The website is also smaller (smaller width, smaller font...) than before.

@jamtur01 can you reopen the issue (and maybe revert the commit if i'm right about the websize width) ?

I'm not seeing the smaller site. The long URL is still not wrapping though.

I have a smaller website on my machine (using jekyll serve, without the commit).

@jamtur01 Can you post a screenshot of the long URL which is not wrapping?

I see it's working alright in mine?
screen shot 2017-04-07 at 21 48 54

screenshot 2017-04-07 12 20 58

Chrome on OSX.

Firefox 52/Linux, when i am at the top of the quickstart on riemann.io, the last line i see is :
"Riemann is now listening for events. Install the Ruby client, utility package, and dashboard. You may need to install ruby-dev for some dependencies; your OS package manager should have a version available for your Ruby install."

On my machine without the commit, the last line i see is :
"You can also install Riemann via the Debian or RPM packages, through Puppet, Vagrant, or Chef."

So i have a bigger (and larger) website locally.
I don't know if it is a problem (i don't have frontend skills).

I also have the long url problem.

@jamtur01 Alright. I reproduced that on Chrome OSX. Safari works alright. I found a solution here , let me fix this and test in all browsers.

@sudoankit I also updated the versions in quickstart so do a pull first.

Did you get a chance to test a solution?

I propose 2 possible fixes: #864 or #865

Personally I prefer the scrollbar (#864). It's a lesser evil than breaking vertical alignment and spacing in my opinion.

Then let's go with #864 - thanks for doing this!