
Need directory paths for riemann rpm in RHEL 7.2

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I have installed riemann-0.2.13-1.noarch.rpm in my RHEL machine version 7.2 . After installation I couldn't find the setup files in usual directory path. I can find the riemann.config file under /etc/riemann where I can find the riemann setup folder or under which folder I can find the riemann files to configure the setup.

Can anyone provide me those directory paths it would be a great help

Hi :

rpm -qlp riemann-0.2.13-1.noarch.rpm

@mcorbin .. Thank you much for your timely response. Let me check it out. I installed it using the command rpm -install, is there any difference between rpm -install and rpm -qlp

rpm --install installs the package, rpm -qlp lists files in the package (-q = query, -l = list, -p = package).

@mcorbin .. Thank you