
Riemann output support multi graphite?

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Dear All,
I have two graphite server and want to set up Riemann output to these two Graphite servers. Does riemann support multi-graphite server setting?

riemann stream functions accept multiple child streams, so you can of course send to multiple graphite servers

  graphite1 graphite2 ... elasticsearch1 ...)

Dear @faxm0dem ,
I write it like this. let me confirm, it means the metrics will round-robin to the two graphtie servers. Is it right?

(where  (service #"^riemann ")
  (graphite {:host "tng1398"
             :port 2013} )
  (graphite {:host "tng1399"
             :port 2013} ))

@keyboardfann Nope, in this example all events matching the regex will be send to both graphite servers. In Riemann, events are "copied" to all children (exactly like in your previous issue where you used "kafka-output" and "graphite").

Dear @mcorbin ,
Ok, can riemann do metrics dispatch like Round-Robin? Or I should have a Loadbalance VIP connect to the two graphite and set riemann output to the VIP.

Or I should have a Loadbalance VIP connect to the two graphite and set riemann output to the VIP

You should do this ;)

Ok ~ I get the answer. Thanks @mcorbin & @faxm0dem .

that being said, a RR stream would be cool