
[Feature Request] Add support for routing SNMP events

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Right now the only thing that seems to support getting SNMP events (for proprietary switches and routers) is the himpy plugin which appears to be abandoned since it's Github page returns a 500 error. Anyone know of a way to gatherer SNMP events through Riemann so they can then be routed?

Looks good to me - https://github.com/pyr/himpy. I don't get a 500 error. I know @pyr is usually super busy but not much has changed in the SNMP world ... in forever and as far as I know the plugin still works fine.

Your link seems to work, so probably just a bad link in the riemann website. Thanks so much @jamtur01

Actually I think GH was having issues. The link in the docs is fine. Cool.