
inject-intervals! test helper

Closed this issue · 2 comments

cddr commented

I wanted to test a stream that uses the stable operator to filter out temporary errors that would likely be fixed within a minute or so. Couldn't figure out how to do it with the currently available testing primitives so ended up writing a helper that behaves a bit like inject! but combines the feature of being able to advance time by interposing intervals into the input events like run-stream-intervals does. Is there any interest in merging this helper into the test ns?

(ns riemann.test.alpha
  "Test helpers that could conceivably be added upstream"
   [riemann.test :refer :all]
   [riemann.time.controlled :as time.controlled]))            

(defn inject-intervals!
  "Like inject! but the input includes alternate events and intervals
   to facilitate the testing of a composition of streams that depend
   on the passage of time"
  [streams inputs-and-intervals]
  (binding [*results* (riemann.test/fresh-results @*taps*)]
    (let [current-time (ref 0)
          next-time (ref (deref current-time))]

        ;; Apply events
        (doseq [[e interval] (partition-all 2 inputs-and-intervals)]
          (doseq [stream streams]
            (stream (assoc e :time @current-time)))
          (when interval
            (dosync (ref-set next-time (+ (deref next-time) interval)))
            (dosync (ref-set current-time (+ (deref current-time) interval)))
            (time.controlled/advance! (deref next-time))))
        ;; Return captured events
        (->> *results*
             (reduce (fn [results [tap-name results-atom]]
                       (assoc! results tap-name @results-atom))
                     (transient {}))


Couldn't figure out how to do it with the currently available testing

Why you cannot use inject! to advance time ? For example :

(inject! [{:host "foo"
           :service "test-stable"
           :time 0}
          {:time 10}
          {:host "foo"
           :service "test-stable"
           :time 12}
          {:time 15}
          {:host "foo"
           :service "test-stable"
           :time 20}])
cddr commented

Ah that's a good trick. That didn't occur to me. Thanks!