
Might need to rebuild RPM package for v0.3.2

jamesdavidson opened this issue · 3 comments


I just tried to install Riemann on a 64-bit CentOS 7 virtual machine but got the following error from yum:

Transaction check error:
  package riemann-0.3.2-1.noarch is intended for a different operating system

I suspect this was caused by the packager running lein pkg on a macOS machine instead of a Linux machine but I am not sure.

# rpm -q --qf '%{os}\n' -p riemann-0.3.2-1.noarch.rpm
mac os x

# rpm -q --qf '%{os}\n' -p riemann-0.3.1-1.noarch.rpm

# rpm -q --qf '%{os}\n' -p riemann-0.2.8-1.noarch.rpm

Hopefully it is an easy fix! Thanks in advance

Argh. Sorry I thought I had transferred the RPMs and Debs from the Linux build box but it appears the script failed. Will fix now.

Give it a try now.

Working now - I successfully installed riemann-0.3.2-1.noarch.rpm , thank you!